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Audience Analysis


In 1997, the internet revolution was still in the awakening stages. Anand, a 14-year-old boy, started an online informative technology site to give insights about motherboards and computer components at the time. Who went to this site and why did they go here? The real question is, did it have validity to inform us on technology at that time? But, many didn’t know who was behind all the informative postings and reviews. Many still came to the site to read reviews, articles, and price listings for motherboards and GPUs. With time, the site grew to a larger audience, soon they were reviewing and writing on many tech products such as smartphones and so many more. The site is Anandtech. Mr. Anandtech worked 1997-2014 before retiring and handing reigns over to colleagues.

First, Why did PC enthusiasts come to this site? Because this site had detailed reviews that many other websites did not offer, and also had testing details to determine which product was better than others. The amount of testing was done and the intensity that was brought to the table with a commitment for solid data that consumers used for purchases. During this time, computers were very expensive and it took months or a year to save up for components. So the validity of this information had to data-driven with charts and specs.

Second, the information provided on this website adversely affected how purchases were made from many other sources. The website had articles on different products, reviews, and comments made by consumers who purchased the products. The majority of the time, the review comments were the determining factors for others reading the posting for informative purchases. Also, with growing

Finally, tech audiences are always looking for an edge to build faster, efficient computers, and today there are so many websites just to name a few, Newegg, Amazon, eBay, Micro store and so many more. When websites like Anandtech have been around since 1997, informative reviews are subject to a higher standard than other sites. They established principles that are used for industry standards today, and it spans well over two decades and has evolved with technological times.

To summarize, Anandtech is the technology community website for informative reviews, articles, pricing index, and simile comparative. The transparency they offer for reviews gives solitude in the community. Technology audiences come to Anandtech by the millions for daily reviews, updates, and just community engagement. If you need information about a phone, memory, processor, video card, or hard drive, this will be the place to go.

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