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Context Analysis

What is a wireless router? and how does this technology shape our everyday lives? You may have heard the term WiFi(wireless fidelity) or WLAN(wireless local area network), these terms are exactly what a wireless router does. It transmits data for your mobile devices, in ranges and speeds. Wireless routers are used in restaurants, cafes, businesses, and so many places where you connect to these devices. They are a lifeline to online businesses, consumers, content creators and so much more. So, let us dive right on in.

First, let's begin with the conveniences of having wireless routers in so many places and how it is benefits consumers and businesses on daily basis. A wireless router is a gateway to the internet for consumers to enjoy the benefits of having a wireless connection. Also, wifi, conveniently gives you internet access to watch youtube videos, reading a book, and even ordering pizza. Before there were wireless communication devices, we would call with home telephones or drive to the place of business for pick up. Nevertheless, wireless is the future and with this, it brings convenience to the forefront of technology.

Second, a wireless router allows multiple access points. Therefore, homes, small businesses install wireless routers for quick access from iPads, laptops, Smart Phones, smart TVs and so many more mobile devices. Besides, having multiple access gives smart devices connectivity to have better interaction with other devices.

Undoubtedly, the speed for wireless connection across platforms has increased. During the early 1990s, we were accessing telephone lines through modems Running at speeds of several kbps(kilobits per second), now were are running in Gbps(gigabits per second). These advancements also have businesses running more on wireless instead of wired connections. In brief, technology is advancing daily and the speed across all platforms is not slowing down anytime soon.

Not to mention, online shopping has exploded during the 2020 pandemic. As a result, companies like Amazon($401.1bn), Microsoft($269.9bn), Apple($219.1bn), and many others benefitted most from the ordeal of in-person retail closures. The convenience is all at our fingertips to get what we want, when we want from all online eCommerce stores.

Certainly, We as a communal society, are biologically tuned to constant communication with friends, families, and businesses. So, it is safe to assume that sometimes we do not want to miss a text or notification from friends, social media, or job posting. So, having access from multiple devices to wifi is essential for anyone who needs or wants to communicate with others across multiple platforms.

Finally, Our lives are being reshaped with technological advances, and little do we know when, where, what, and how technology will revolutionize our communication medium, Again.

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