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Writing Project #5 - Rhetorical Analysis

In 1950, Bob Pierce reached into his pocket and gave a poor girl $5.00, and this started the World Vision campaign and organization for a better world for families, kids, communities, and disaster victims. The World Vision non-profit organization now employs well over 37,000 employees world, over 6 continents, 90+ countries and still growing today. They have partnered with some of the world's leading companies, churches, and philanthropy. World Vision is a global Christian humanitarian organization and has been around for well over 50 decades providing for those in need through charity fundings and they are very transparent with all the funding and the processes that go to their organization.

They provide space in all areas of the world to all those who need to make a place. World Vision website is appealing and very well structured for anyone willing to donate. They provide stats and graphs for the distribution of where all the funding goes and they have videos with communities and families receiving help from all the donation proceeds. They are faith-based cultural belief systems, within the mindset of using a holistic approach to helping.

World Vision appeals to pathos using strong media and images to portray disasters and poor conditions of communities. Many of the areas that are being depicted are places like Indonesia Tsunami victims and African villages that need watering holes.

Next, they appeal to ethos using a spiritual approach with quotes from the bible and scriptures. This is authoritative and makes a statement by using spiritual guides to help those in need.

In addition, they also make a great appeal to Logos with well-documented and credible formatting showing transparency for all donation proceeds are going. In time framing they show graphs dating back to 1950 to 2000s and counting millions of people and community development projects being documented and displayed. This would give organizations comfort to give more to help those in need during hard times.

World Vision website is by no means a small-time organization and they are very well organized to take on any type of cataphoric event. They make a sound statement and provide exceptional data to back up the donation proceeds and the helping hand approach to world events.

Bob Pierce may have given $5.00 to a poor girl without knowing the ripple effect that would have on today's world. Who would have known that $5.00 would make a world of difference for millions to come beforehand?

The website appeals to all strategies of rhetoric and all necessary devices to implement convincing data. This is well planned and executed. World Vision is an organization well structured and managed.

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