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Writer's Journal #1

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

Literacy is essential to our existences, it justifies and validates us a writer, an individual and as a society.

-yours truly

The mind has about 6000 thoughts daily. The thought process takes on an idea, the idea takes shape in many forms of medium. The medium communicates to the masses in social media or maybe just to the few. Sometimes the idea is brought to life which reshape our lives. Examples: Amazon, Google, Apple, and so forth. It requires literacy to comprehend programming codes or to do journal on your English 101 class. Literacy could be 1s and 0s, or sign languages for the deaf mute. Whatever the literacy, make it personal.

To effectively communicate an idea, you will need to minimalize and articulate. I think that any type of intentional communication should be made in emotional expression of literacy. I think this will help guide your reader or whomever you are trying to communicate your objective(s) is/are.

The first time I noticed my intentional literacy, was when, “The real world”, started playing out in my young adult life. I had to create an effective resume to convey my job experience, and it also had to convince the employer that I am the right person for the job. My curiosity took over and the researching began. This took some time, but it taught me about the importance of literacy. So little did I know about literacy. Now, I am reading more and journaling daily to improve upon my literacy.

In past times, civilizations left messages on walls through sketches on rock walls. They left drawings, potteries, sculptures, and buildings. These types of communication made it possible for us to transcribe them into literature for whomever is seeking the knowledge. Maybe some time in the not so near future, they will find an Apple phone only to date us.

My personal thought is without literacy, we will not be able to communicate our time here. We are always in state of improvement, the evolution of technological advancement. Before we know it, reading and writing may not be required anymore. Telepathy? In the meantime, let us enjoy the literacy of the English 101 journaling. 😊

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