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Writer's Journal #20

“What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become.”

- Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

In hindsight, I am feeling more accomplished than I thought I would have at the beginning of this course. I would like to think that I am very formidable when it comes to my writing at this point of my short-lived writing career. The before and after thinking has been retrofitted to accommodate new perspectives of engagement to literacy now.

Furthermore, I think my feeling of writing has more confidence now, especially writing for an audience In mind. Also, I have become more pragmatic in my writing approach with the feeling of stoicism. It is sensible when you engage literacy with open-mindedness and the metacognition never seems to shut off as well.

Without a doubt, I will keep mastering and honing my rhetorical appeals and strategies and becoming more advantageous with the critical thinking approach.

All in all, to conclude, this has been fun, and thank you for the joyous ride on the literacy ride. Next stop, English 102.

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