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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #19

1. Pathos

2. Ethos

3. Logos

4. Linguistics

5. Structural

6. Multimodal

Summary: they convey a message with many appeals on their websites. They show different shapes, linguistics, data, multimodal, and different connecting pages showing ethos. The purpose of this website is obvious for me, they are making statements of giving to all who need help with donations, volunteers, and supplies for medical centers across the world.

1. Pathos

2. Ethos

3. Logos

4. Linguistics

5. Multimodal

6. Kairos

Summary: They are organizational structures to show the ethos within communities, and pathos among other organizations. The structure gives good strategy with linguistic blogs, and great multimodal to persuade donations. Giving hope to communities out of poverty through spiritual giving and partnering with other churches and organizations.

1. Pathos

2. Structural

3. Multimodal

Summary: This site is giving the vision of gifting first-generation college students for support to finish college and beyond. They are emphasizing the Importance of this will help with generations to come for all families. They are working on ethos, logos with many multimodal strategies.

In a review of my summary, I think I would have to make a judgment and pick due to the fact of their involvement and communities worldwide and their values and mission statements. They imply various strategies and they are very deep in values with their vision for all communities in need.

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