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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #18

What is my reflection on contextual communication through work email? Also, what is the purpose of this medium from the other side of that email? Just a little insight, the majority of emails coming are in regards to project-related items. They are informing me about the context of the scope of work or contracts.

The first strategy normally used would be the ethos appeal only because we are dealing with the addressed audience who are the direct client. Also, it would be the authoritative figure in the company who are usually the managers of departments.

The Second strategy would have to be the logos only because all information provided is data-driven from research and analysis studies for the project.

Finally, I would have to say that many times, I am lost with some of the grammar used by lawyers in contracts but I do my best to comprehend and ask questions but mainly I just follow along with the scope and keep within a reasonable budget for each project.

In summary, all emails coming to my inbox are drafted, rewritten, and then finally written again for accuracy. The reason for this is, I am the addressed audience who is doing the work so all wording needs to be accurate. To be frank, sometimes I would like simple emails in regards to clarification but lawyers love to hear themselves write and give some of the craziest analogies.

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