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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #14

What Is my choice of contextual communication? I would have to say emails. In brief, company email communication is the heart and soul of our projects, due to Outlook being so user-friendly in-app integration. I think at some point, emails that are giving context to the content get vague and misunderstood. So, we need to write effective context to convey our message to our audience.

First, emailing with outlook has so many advantages, features, and functionality. For example, the Grammarly app proofreads all your emails before sending them. Also, before you start an email, you will have a checklist and templates in place for company standards. However, some emails can not be conformed to company standards due to their sensitive nature such as bids. Undoubtedly, these high priority emails need special attention and it goes through 2-3 revisions before sent to a possible client with supervision approval.

Second, when we use apps such as Grammarly, everything sounds so watered down and blain. It feels as though you are just generalizing and the context is so vague to define your topic. They have conformity standards where we are required to treat each email leaving company computers to be professional and respectable.

In conclusion, emails have limitations on the context for all audiences at my work in particular. Also, the context of email could become too vague due to the conformed company standards. So, when writing my emails, I had to imagine whom I am writing to and keeping them short and to the point without losing the topic of the email.

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