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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #15

The question(s) of the day is, what ethical obligations do we have in our context and the writing to our audiences? Also, with the audience in mind, what do we need to address for the underlying stakeholders? Well, let us try to answer these questions most ethical and responsible way.

First, we need to address ethics with a moral compass intact. Most importantly, we need to make sure our context is diversified for the audience, regardless if it is stakeholders or a certain audience we are addressing our context to.

Second, when ethics are consideration for the audience, avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite, and have a factual basis for the thesis. Also, respectable and relatable context will keep the audience engaged concerning your main idea you are supporting.

Finally, stakeholders need facts and they need precise information with an audience they are addressing. Also, give clear and concise context where it is applicable to avoid misleading information. The ability to be ethical and relatable will help with clarifying context in support.

In conclusion, we as writers need to keep in mind that having ethical obligations needs to be transparent. Also, when we as writers have our audience and stakeholders in mind, we need to think about the context we bring to the table is of ethics and responsibility.

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