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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #16

What is my purpose or relevance for taking English 101? I could give a generic answer of, I need it for my degree prerequisites. Or, I could say, it is a requirement. But, let us dig even deeper, shall we?

The first thought that jumped at me was Critical Thinking! Yes! this subject resonated with me during my writing process. The whole process from knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and take action. However, this was not until after class started, so the next thought was the promise that I needed to keep.

Secondly, my introspection on my next purpose was to keep a promise, and this was to pursue my degree. So, here I am keeping that promise, and eventually, I will manifest this visionary promise into actuality.

Third on the purpose list is to build on the life skills I have acquired through experience. Also to add quality traits to enhance my rhetoric in writing and communication skills. Furthermore, new knowledge is great for all areas of your life, anything that will define and promote life knowledge is great for you and all whom you associate with.

Importantly, these are all great and valid purposes for taking English 101 class. In contrast, for some, it may be to obtain a degree, and many other purposeful reasoning but the real benefactors of English 101 are the skillsets you acquired from meaningful engagements in assignments and projects. In hindsight, when you have purpose and you attach desire with that purpose, all challenges to come will not perceive you to quit or mediocre. Live, learn and work with intentional purpose.

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