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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #2

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

After reading the assignment, I was very subjective to the idea. Writing, reading, understanding, communication, comprehension are intrinsic to literacy. This first project will not only enhance our literacy skills but become more engaged active readers and writers. The ability to become more critical thinkers and writers. Also, the level of personal and emotional involvement in the process.

I think I will be challenged by gathering my thoughts. The mental aspects of the literacy narrative are mind-boggling for me to a certain degree. You write about yourself in the first person, then you also have to take in the perspective of the audience, to compliment and keep it engaging. It’s like looking in and then looking out bidirectionally. If there is such a thing as writing literacy.

At the moment, I am using creative literacy and technical literacy. For my side hustle, I am constantly creating digital products which require creativity to create finished products for consumers. In my daily job, I need technical literacy to communicate with Engineers and upper management for project progress reports.

The majority of my communication would email only because my job requires a paper trail for all projects. I am not an avid social media user but when I do, it will be mainly tweeting for real-time updates on current events. On a personal level, I use text messaging only because when I call my kids, they never pick up. I also plug into podcasts, Audio Books, RSS feeds, and Spotify for my music. My emails for work is very important because it is contingent for business. The communication line with my kids is very important to me as a parent. Social media is not important personally, it more just for entertainment to read.

I learn my communication literacy from self-awareness and acknowledging that I need to improve upon them. I journal daily, I have gratitude, Spiritual and personal journals. I also have a dictionary for definitions and better comprehension studies. I have read many self-improvement books about goal setting, discipline, and just all around be a better person in life. I did teach myself by constant practice and just the desire to become a more effective communicator.

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