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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #5

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

I normally used the essay format for my writing. This would include the following.

Introduction to address the topic and give a brief description of the content.

This would be followed by 3-5 paragraphs supporting the content. Then finally I would summarize or conclusion for the final paragraph. I believe is the most basic format for any type of essay.

For starters, I would look at the essay topic that was assigned by the instructor and do some braining dumping. This would include, researching, how much knowledge I had on the topic, how to write the paper. I also internalized if this paper would be a factual basis or my own experience, if I had any knowledge base on the topic? Writing the paper would sometimes become argumentative in my thoughts only because it is fact vs opinions. So I naturally would become so involved that I would step back and rationalize my thoughts to structure my objectives. So I would go back to the idea dump, give it an intro, give each paragraph a subject and narration to support the main objective. Then Finally, give it a proper send-off with a conclusion supported by the body. I would also include a sentence or two with my subjective narration.

The current writing process is so much more involved from all the literature and the syllabus outlining per project. I would have to say that my former writing process is so less formidable than the current one. Rhetorical writing is so engaging and disciplined. It requires focusing on creativity, critical thinking, analytical skills, and these are just to write the paper. These skills support the type of rhetoric you are writing, the 4 types, and also when writing this process. You have to argue the point, find references to support your topic, and have reliable resources.

The thought process behind the different variations solely relies on the individual's main objective. I would love to write a novel or two. This would require better literacy skills and the ability to communicate effectively and have a writing style that would be of value to the audience. So, at the current moment, I am the in process of figuring out what my weakness and strengths are so I can evaluate, plan and execute to enhance these skills.

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