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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #7

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

I have to state that the looping exercise was to a point, literally brain dump for me. I stated that it was tunnel visioning, giving 3 minutes just to free write. After this, you had to re-read it and extract the main topic during this exercise. After this, we did another looping and this was not as broad but more focused on the extraction idea from the previous looping. I enjoy and I will be using this method for future writing exercises.

Looping is a type of exercise where you write just to be subjective to the idea of freewriting. It reminds me of when you play hide and go seek. You are given “X” amount of time before the seeker starts looking, but during this time you are running around trying to hide as you are scamming the mind for ideas or thoughts to jot down. It brings that refreshing feeling of being a kid again without the limitations we put on ourselves as adults.

Looping activity releases my mind of limitations and the creativity starts to flow. It is a necessary tool for anyone looking to sharpen their skillsets for writing with different variations to accomplish the task. Like they say “more the one way to skin a cat”. More than one way to accomplish writing objectives and with so many tools at our disposal. This was so apparent and keen for my mentality to grasp the concept. It will help and I plan to use it, especially with creating digital product ideas.

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