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  • dnltso

Writer's Journal #9

Updated: Apr 5, 2021

When does one start to think they are out of the imposter syndrome? During the whole process of peer-reviewing, I felt so uncomfortable. I was thinking, is this right or wrong? Who am I to judge this person's writing? I had so many questions, even after researching and googling. I just need more insight to validate my authenticity as a peer reviewer. In the scheme of things, even with slight anxiety about this exercise, I think it is another stepping stone to writing my first novel. My peer review came back and I was surprised, to be honest, I think I needed more work than I was given. As you can tell, I am critical of myself in many aspects of my life, I try to dot my “I’s” and cross my “T’s”. I am not a perfectionist but I strive for excellence, it’s a hard virtuous concept I learn to adapt early in my life. My parents always said, “choose or someone will do it for you”. So I choose.

Time is of the essence, so with peer review in mind. I will give it more context to give my main point some height. I will just interweave my supporting text into my main point for clarification. I will need to revisit the composition of my narrative, to have a better flow to the narrative. I like my audience to be able to have a hook, the intro, the body, and the conclusion to take with them. Mesmerizing would be the word, however, I am at the entry point so let's take this with a grain of salt and just keep it to one sentence at a time.

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